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Evidence for and against caffeine delay


Some people may have one morning brew and “ride that for much of the day,” she says. Others clear caffeine from their bodies more quickly and might want another cup within a few hours, she adds.

“Everyone responds to caffeine differently,” Cornelis says, so there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution for timing your caffeine.

The evidence for – and against – caffeine delay

Because adenosine levels in your brain decrease while you sleep, they’re at their lowest immediately after you wake up, Grandner says. So with little adenosine present for caffeine to block, a cup of coffee first thing will give you less of a boost – or “less bang for your buck”, as Grandner says – than when adenosine levels are high.

This may be one rationale for delaying your caffeine in the morning, Grandner says. He often waits for 30 to 60 minutes after waking to have his first cup of coffee, but there are no studies on what the optimal timing should be; it’s more about personal preference, he says.

Another potential reason to delay your morning caffeine is if you want to have caffeine only once per day, Cornelis says. Timing it for later in the morning could help extend its effects into the early afternoon, potentially countering any drop in alertness at that time.

That said, there’s no harm in having caffeine first thing, Grandner says.

Although some online proponents suggest that doing so will disrupt your body’s normal waking process by interfering with the natural rise of cortisol, there is little evidence for this. The few small studies that have examined caffeine’s influence on cortisol have found that in those who consume caffeine regularly, it has little effect on morning cortisol levels, says Allison Brager, a neurobiologist for the US Army.

The reality is that many people don’t get enough sleep, so if you need to be alert first thing in the morning, caffeine can be a lifesaver, Brager says.

Research has shown that caffeine can enhance mental sharpness and physical performance. For soldiers driving heavy trucks, firefighters working overnight shifts or surgeons scrubbing in for early morning procedures, delaying caffeine “can be a recipe for disaster”, Brager says.


If you’re an early morning exerciser, she adds, it makes sense to have caffeine as soon as possible because it may improve your workout.

It’s also fine to have another cup of coffee (or other source of caffeine) if and when your energy levels wane around midday, Grandner says. Just avoid having it within six hours – or eight to 12 hours, if you have trouble falling asleep – before bedtime, he adds.

If you feel like you need caffeine throughout the day just to function, consider seeing a sleep specialist, Grandner says; you may have a treatable disorder like insomnia or sleep apnoea.

And keep in mind, Grandner adds, that coffee and tea are also great sources of antioxidants and beneficial plant-based compounds, which may explain some of their health advantages.

Coffee also helps many people have regular bowel movements. And for most of us, a morning coffee ritual offers a simple source of pleasure. What could be more optimal than that?

The New York Times

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