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Anger has been linked to heart disease


The phrase “anger kills” might have a more literal meaning: new research suggests a possible reason frequent anger has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Heart Associationemphasises the potential health risks associated with intense anger and illuminates the influence of negative emotions on our overall wellbeing.

Study findings show that anger limited the blood vessels’ ability to dilate.

Study findings show that anger limited the blood vessels’ ability to dilate.Credit: Getty Images

Funded by the US National Institutes of Health, the study involved 280 healthy adults who were randomly assigned to a different eight-minute task, each designed to elicit feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness or neutrality. Before and after these emotional tasks, researchers assessed the participants’ endothelial health. Endothelial cells, which line the insides of blood vessels, are essential for maintaining vessel integrity and are vital for proper circulation and cardiovascular health.

The findings revealed that anger had a significant negative impact on endothelial function, limiting the blood vessels’ ability to dilate. The response was not as pronounced with anxiety or sadness.

According to Daichi Shimbo, a cardiologist and professor of medicine at Columbia University Irving Medical Centre and the lead study author, this research marks a step toward understanding how different negative emotions particularly affect physical health.

“It’s fascinating that anxiety and sadness did not have the same effect as anger, suggesting that the ways in which negative emotions contribute to heart disease differ,” Shimbo says.


The research team chose to study healthy individuals to avoid the confounding effects of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, which can compromise vascular function. Shimbo notes that if participants had such conditions, they already could have affected blood vessels and it would be difficult to determine the effect of emotions alone on vascular health.

Brian Choi, a cardiologist and professor of medicine and radiology at George Washington University, says findings like these could prompt healthcare providers to investigate therapies such as anger management to see if they could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

“We often hear of someone suffering a heart attack during a highly distressing event. We’ve known that stress from anger can trigger a heart attack, but we didn’t understand why until this study, which elucidates the underlying mechanism,” Choi says.


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