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Which are the tests women should undergo in their 30s and 40s? | Lifestyle


Women can be more vulnerable to certain diseases and infections as compared to men due to biological differences and gender inequalities. According to WHO, adolescent girls and young women are twice as likely to be at risk of HIV infection than boys and young men. The higher HIV risk is associated with unsafe and often unwanted and forced sexual activity.

During pregnancy, malaria, HIV and TB can pose significant risks to pregnant women, their foetus and the newborn child. International Day of Action for Women’s Health is observed on May 28 every year to spread awareness about women’s health. The day was proposed to be celebrated during the International Women’s Health Meeting in Costa Rica, Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Health Network (LACWHN).

As women get older, they can be vulnerable to certain diseases. Consequently, the women in their 30s and 40s should have regular screenings to understand their health baseline and help in early detection.

Important tests for women in their 30s and 40s

Here are the tests that every woman should undergo at the age of 30s and 40s

Pap Smear and HPV Test

Women should undergo Pap Smear and HPV tests which are crucial for detecting cervical cancer and it should be done every three to five years depending on the age and prior and prior results. Also, an annual STD testing can be done simultaneously if a woman is sexually active.

Self-Breast Examination

Self-breast examination of the armpit area is also important for women in their 30s. One should visit a gynaecologist for examination every 3 years at the age of 20-35 and after 35 women should get their self-breast examination annually.

Annual or Biennial Mammograms

Women should also undergo annual or biennial mammograms for breast cancer starting at the age of 40. If you have a family history, you should start earlier.

Bone Density Test

Women in their last 30s and 40s should discuss bone density testing, especially if they lack risk factors for osteoporosis.

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels

Regular checks help to monitor heart health as cardiovascular disease risk increases with age. Cholesterol-lowering medicines may be started at a young age to prevent heart disease.

Blood Glucose Test

It is essential to get regular screening for diabetes, especially if there are risk factors like obesity or a family history of diabetes.

Colon Cancer Screening

Women should undergo regular screening for colorectal cancer with stool testing for occult blood testing or flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy starting at the age of 45.

Eye test

A two-year eye checkup is also important to avoid eye health diseases like cataracts and glaucoma.

First Published: May 29 2024 | 12:17 PM IS


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