After starring as a cop Kabir Malik in Rohit Shetty‘s Indian Police Force, Sidharth Malhotra shifted gears to play a commando in the Karan Johar-backed film Yodha.The film has just entered its second week on a good note by minting Rs 90 lakhs on Friday, and saw a spike in its collection on Saturday, and on Sunday it added Rs 1.5 crore and Rs 1.6 crore respectively.On Monday, which was a holiday on the occasion of Holi, the film minted about Rs 1.6 crore by early estimates of industry tracker Sacnilk, thus taking the overall collection of the film to Rs 30.85 crore, making it Sidharth’s 8th biggest film till date following films like Student of the Year, Brothers, One VillainKapoor and Sons, Marjaavan, Thank God, Baar Baar Dekho.
The film had a moderate first week, grossing Rs 25.25 crore. It opened with Rs 4.1 crore, spiked on Saturday and Sunday to Rs 5.75 crore and Rs 7 crore respectively, and averaged Rs 2 crore for the remaining four days.
With no major releases this week, Shaitaan is still going strong in its third week and Madgaon Express is also doing relatively well. This will make the road ahead for Yodha smooth for the week. The film will aim to reach a collection of at least Rs 35 crores before concluding its run. Starring Disha Patani, Rashi Khannaand Sunny Hinduja, the film is directed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha.
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