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Why do I get so bloated (and gassy) on planes?


Being at high altitude also seems to slow down the muscle contractions that keep the contents of your digestive system moving, Moshiree says. Experts don’t know why this happens, she adds. But it’s one reason you may feel constipated on aeroplane travel days, and a sluggish gut can also allow more gas to build up.

Sitting for hours during a long flight doesn’t help, Hershman says – walking and other physical activity normally help keep the gastrointestinal tract “moving along”.

Travel stress and anxiety can also worsen gas and bloating, says Megan Riehl, a gastrointestinal psychologist at Michigan Medicine.

How to prevent and cope with gas while travelling

You can’t change the altitude or air pressure of your plane. But if flying makes you gassy and bloated, experts have suggestions for your next trip.

Watch what you eat. Starting the day before your departure, avoid foods that you know make you gassy, says Tamara Duker Freuman, a dietitian in New York City who specialises in digestive conditions. Common culprits include high FODMAP foods such as beans, onions, garlic, wheat and certain nuts, dairy products and fruits.


On your travel day, continue to avoid these foods. Consider packing meals or snacks that sit well with you, Riehl adds, so you aren’t at the mercy of what’s available in the airport.

Stay hydrated. “Hydration is key” for avoiding constipation, which can worsen gas and bloating, Moshiree says. Bring a refillable water bottle so that you can sip water throughout the day. And avoid alcohol the day before and the day of travel, since it can be dehydrating, she adds.

Coffee has a bad reputation for being dehydrating but there’s no evidence that it is – or that coffee increases bloating, Freuman says.

For some people, carbonated beverages can increase gas symptoms, Freuman says. But for others, seltzer may help them burp a bit and reduce gas build-up. “Know thyself,” she says, and choose your beverages accordingly.

Avoid gum. Chewing gum may ease ear discomfort while flying but it can also cause you to swallow more air, Hershman says. If you’re concerned about bloating, try skipping the gum or limiting your chewing, she says.

Move your body. If you can, get up from your seat every hour or so, Freuman says. Try to find some space to reach towards your toes, or twist your midsection from side to side. These movements can help the gas spread out in your gut, rather than pooling in one spot, she says.

Breathe deeply. If you’re stuck in your seat, diaphragmatic breathing may help reduce stress and relax your gut, Riehl says.

First, take a four-second inhale through your nose and feel your belly rising, she explains. Then exhale for six seconds through your mouth and feel your belly fall.

If gas is causing pain or discomfort, holding it in will make you feel worse, Riehl adds. “It’s healthy to just let it out.” Walk to the bathroom if you can. But if that’s not an option, let the engine noise be your cover and “just let it go”, she says.

“Trust me,” she says, “you’re not the only one farting on an aeroplane.”

The New York Times

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