Set against the backdrop of the Blue Mountains, this artist’s home features contemporary sculpture and personal art projects inside and out.
The home Referred to as Boulder Art Haus, this mid-’90s, two-storey home in Hazelbrook in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney looks onto bushland and offers space to display the large sculptures the owner has been making and collecting for the past 15 years.
Who lives here Artist Sanné Mestrom and her six-year-old son, Danté. “I also open up my studio for visits and workshops,” says Mestrom.
What I did “The property’s native bushland had become wildly overgrown with noxious weeds,” says Mestrom. “Clearing it revealed pathways, ponds and gorgeous little cubby houses I didn’t know existed.”
Favourite room “My studio. I turned a three-car garage into a versatile workspace. As a single mum, having a flexible workspace that seamlessly integrates into our home is essential.”
The ‘hood “There are hundreds of kilometres of walking and running tracks, plus rivers and waterfalls, at our back door, ” says Mestrom.
Future plans “In addition to replanting endemic native species, I plan to develop the bush into a small sculpture park with site-specific outdoor works.”
Best advice “A home isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a dynamic living experience,” says Mestrom. “I love the experience of living inside an ever-evolving art installation.”
Sanné Mestrom is represented by Sullivan + Stocking gallery in Sydney and Melbourne. Her next solo exhibition, Solar City, will be at the Melbourne gallery in August, 2024.
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