[ad_1] Video: Woman reveals how socks show a generational divide Woman reveals how socks show a generational divide We’re sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. We’re working to restore it. Please try again later. Dismiss Skip to sections navigationSkip to contentSkip to footer Woman reveals how she can tell people’s age by looking at their […]
[ad_1] I see I’ve used up three paragraphs, during which I was supposed to start exercising. But first I must make a cup of tea. Tea, first thing in the morning, has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. And then there’s the cup I make for Jocasta (whose knees, […]
[ad_1] What kind of heat is best? There are many different ways to warm up your muscles: saunas, hot tubs, electric or chemical heating pads, wet towels, a cat that refuses to get off your chest. Which ones should you use and when? Loading Several small studies have suggested that heat coming from a wet […]