[ad_1] Caffeine can also disrupt sleep, particularly deep sleep, which helps keep anxiety at bay, says Dr Sheenie Ambardar, a physician specialising in adult psychiatry. Even slight disruptions in your sleep can increase anxiety levels the next day. Caffeine affects everyone differently. If even a small amount of caffeine makes you anxious, you might have […]
[ad_1] One: Don’t take any shit. Ma, you are a famous firecracker. Riled by condescension and mansplaining. I love it when waiters think your age means you’re off with the fairies and you call them on false flattery (“my daughter and I do not look like sisters”.) When you and Dad built conference facilities at […]
[ad_1] One of our personal pet peeves is when a friend points out you’re turning red during an embarrassing moment. Like, oh really? I couldn’t tell that my own head is basically exuding steam as a response to whatever crippling shame job I’ve just committed. Loading They don’t celebrate your successes Your friends should be […]