[ad_1] One: Don’t take any shit. Ma, you are a famous firecracker. Riled by condescension and mansplaining. I love it when waiters think your age means you’re off with the fairies and you call them on false flattery (“my daughter and I do not look like sisters”.) When you and Dad built conference facilities at […]
[ad_1] Watching Oprah Winfrey on her new special promoting weight loss drugs to her youngest guest, an overweight teenage girl, made me want to throw up my raspberry mochi ball dessert. The show’s called Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolutionand the real shame is Oprah made it. Or rather, how she made it. The […]
[ad_1] Video: Royal expert says Kate Middleton may be ready to discuss her health next month Royal expert says Kate Middleton may be ready to discuss her health next month We’re sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. We’re working to restore it. Please try again later. Dismiss Skip to sections navigationSkip to contentSkip to footer […]