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How to care for yourself while you’re caring for an ageing parent



The Rev. Nicholas Sollom, a chaplain at Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, isn’t a fan of any relaxation rituals that create new tasks. Instead, he advises caregivers to keep their routines as simple and sustainable as possible: “Make sure you got enough sleep; make sure you’re eating; make sure you’re staying hydrated,” he says. It sounds simple, but these are the things that often get overlooked when you’re focused on someone else’s survival.

“It’s all super basic to just being alive,” he adds, but these few things “can be a game changer” for maintaining energy.

Seek support and services

On top of overseeing another person’s health, housing and finances, Tumlinson says, many caregivers have to navigate complex family dynamics when their siblings, spouses or parents become dependent on them.

“There comes a point where every caregiver goes, ‘Oh, I’m on another planet now,’” she says.

Yet the more you can educate yourself about your loved one’s illness – and find practical and emotional support – the less likely you are to feel overburdened, Haley says.

Working with a therapist can help you develop coping skills, and support groups run by many disease organisations are also a good place to find information, coping strategies and social connection at no cost.

Many caregivers create their own support networks, says Sollom, adding that it’s ideal to find a crew of low-drama, reliable people “who you know you can call at 4am in the morning”.

Typically, Le says she experiences an 80/20 ratio of positive to negative caregiving emotions. But when she feels herself “edging” toward her 20 per cent zone, she calls close friends to get perspective that pulls her back. Leaning on these people is “really a survival tactic,” she says.

Remember your ‘other’ life.

In the thick of caregiving, it’s important to connect with aspects of your life that matter to you, says Allison Applebaum, director of the Caregivers Clinic at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York and author of Stand by Me: A Guide to Navigating Modern, Meaningful Caregiving.

Her father, who had Lewy body dementia, was often hospitalised during the decade she cared for him. But as a lifelong ballet dancer, Applebaum realised she could use the bars on his hospital bed to stretch and practice positions, an epiphany that brought her peace during those hospital stays, she says.

If you’re feeling disconnected from yourself, try taking stock of your interests and notice what you’re missing – maybe it’s going to church, golfing or spending time in nature, says Daniel Goldman, a psychotherapist in Madison, Wisconsin.

Scott Klace, 63, has been a primary caregiver for his mother-in-law, who has dementia, since she moved in with him and his wife last year. His mother-in-law recently started attending an adult day care centre twice a week. When asked what he’ll do with the free time, Klace initially seemed perplexed. “Maybe take the dog to the park? I don’t even know what I’ll do,” he says.

But the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. “It might be something as simple as going to the movies. I used to go to the movies all the time. I bet I’ve seen two movies in the last one and a half years,” he said.

If you can, put the time on the calendar; actually scheduling a walk or time with friends “puts you on the hook,” making it less likely your plans will evaporate amid daily chores, Goldman said.

If the person you care for can’t be alone, arrange for someone to be with them while you’re away. Ideally, you might find a family member, friend or neighbor who can step in at a set time each week, he said.

Caregivers can also use technology for support, even if they can’t completely step away. Out-of-town relatives and friends can connect with the person needing care via FaceTime or Zoom to give the local caregiver a moment to rest in another room.

Acknowledge the contradictions of caregiving

On a genuinely crummy day, advice to “look on the bright side” might make you want to scream. But tallying up positives can help: A small study from 2017 found that dementia caregivers who were prompted to consider what they gained from their experience described things such as finding purpose and new feelings of mastery. They also experienced fewer symptoms of depression than participants who received only standard education about caregiving skills and dementia symptoms.


Klace, who recently spent several frustrating months trying to reenroll his mother-in-law for Medicare Part B, admitted that caregiving “sucks sometimes; it really does.” But helping in simple ways — paying her bills; making sure she’s got enough to eat — makes him “feel a little better about myself,” he said.

For exhausted caregivers who may not know what they feel, Sollom recommends a brief daily practice: Think of three things that were challenging during the day. Maybe a loved one was denied for a clinical trial, a doctor ignored your concerns, and you got stuck on the phone with an unhelpful bank representative. Then, come up with three things that you’re grateful for: A nurse brought you a cup of tea, you and your loved one took a short walk, and a friend you’ve been missing called to check in.

Taking a wider view helps caregivers become “aware that they’re actually putting their energy into things that matter,” Sollom said.

Frequently, without any prompting, the caregivers he counsels start by listing their burdens and end up expressing gratitude or a sense of accomplishment. “I often wonder if they are consciously doing this,” he said. “Or if it’s more of an unconscious resiliency process.”

The New York Times

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