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Sanvikaa on her character’s evolution in ‘Panchayat 3’: Rinki’s character was always planned for gradual progression |


In an exclusive interview with ETimes, Sanvikaathe talented actress who brought the character Circle to life in the beloved ‘Panchayat’ series, opened up about her journey through the three seasons.
Reflecting on her character’s evolution, Sanvikaa explained that Rinki’s progression was always part of the plan from the very beginning. “Rinki’s character was always planned for gradual progression right from season one, even before I was locked in for the role.Now, with season three, they are exploring her ambitions and personal wishes in life. She is finding herself amidst the chaos that goes on in the house and the village,” she said. Additionally, this season delves into Rinki’s budding love story with the panchayat sachiv, Abhishek. “This season, the vibe is fun, and everything is explored in a light-hearted space.”

In our conversation, Sanvikaa attributed the show’s continued success to the clear vision of its creators. “The makers were clear right from the start about the number of seasons they would make and how each character would progress in each season. The broad basic idea was etched out around season one itself. So, coming back was always in the pipeline,” she shared. Rinki’s character was designed to face new challenges with each season, showcasing her growth and resilience. With seasons four and five in the works, fans can expect even more from Rinki’s journey.

Further, the actress mentioned that she cherished every moment on the sets of Panchayat. “I just love being on the sets of Panchayat. Whenever it’s Rinki’s wrap-up, I get emotional after going to my room. I feel sad that I won’t be there the next day. I enjoy every single day being on the sets of Panchayat,” she revealed.
For her, the set is like a workshop, providing invaluable learning experiences under the guidance of industry veterans. “It’s like a workshop for me under the best people in the industry, from co-actors to the writers, directors, and the whole TVF team. I get so much love from every single person on set. I feel blessed. So, I cherish the whole journey from day one until now,” she concluded.


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