taha shah badussha has become the national crush post his role as Tajdar in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Heeramandi’. As the girls cannot stop gushing over him, the actor was spotted in the city on a dinner date with ‘Heeramandi’ co-actor Pratibha Ratta. For those not in the know, Pratibha played Sanjeeda Sheikh’s daughter Shama on the show and before that she got immense accolades for Kiran Rao’s ‘Laapata Ladies‘.
As the duo got spotted together on a dinner date, rumours of them dating began floating. Amidst these, Taha has broken silence on his relationship status. In an interview with News18, he said, “I wish I could tell you that I’m in love but right now, my responsibility is to not fall in love but to give back to my mother and make her proud. Right now is the time to focus.”
The actor revealed that the only relationship he’s having right now, is with his work, however, he wants to fall in love and have a family. “The only relationship that I should be having is with my work so that I can take care of my family. But yes, I want to fall in love and have a family in the future. And for that to happen, I’ll have to first stand up on my own two legs,” said the actor.
While he’s currently not in the love state of mind, Tajdar also admitted that he’s a lover boy at heart. He recalled memories of writing letters to his girlfriend when he was young. “I’m a 90s kid. At that time, there was no internet. I had a bad handwriting and yet wrote love letters. I used to put flower petals into the letter and throw it into the bus for the girl to catch it. Then there were times I wouldn’t see the girl for two-three days and her friend would meet me somewhere and give me the letter from her end.”
Taha admitted that he’s a 10 as a lover but it’s difficult to find love. He added, “I’ve always been a man who would give his soul to the girl he falls for. When I fall in love, I’m a ten. But let me also tell you this that it’s very difficult to find love. Having said that, when love hits me – and it has hit me a few times – I’ve gone all out. I’m an extremist in that sense.”
The actor was seen at the Cannes Film Festival post the success of ‘Heeramandi’ and admitted that he went there for networking and went around giving his card to people.
As the duo got spotted together on a dinner date, rumours of them dating began floating. Amidst these, Taha has broken silence on his relationship status. In an interview with News18, he said, “I wish I could tell you that I’m in love but right now, my responsibility is to not fall in love but to give back to my mother and make her proud. Right now is the time to focus.”
The actor revealed that the only relationship he’s having right now, is with his work, however, he wants to fall in love and have a family. “The only relationship that I should be having is with my work so that I can take care of my family. But yes, I want to fall in love and have a family in the future. And for that to happen, I’ll have to first stand up on my own two legs,” said the actor.
While he’s currently not in the love state of mind, Tajdar also admitted that he’s a lover boy at heart. He recalled memories of writing letters to his girlfriend when he was young. “I’m a 90s kid. At that time, there was no internet. I had a bad handwriting and yet wrote love letters. I used to put flower petals into the letter and throw it into the bus for the girl to catch it. Then there were times I wouldn’t see the girl for two-three days and her friend would meet me somewhere and give me the letter from her end.”
Taha admitted that he’s a 10 as a lover but it’s difficult to find love. He added, “I’ve always been a man who would give his soul to the girl he falls for. When I fall in love, I’m a ten. But let me also tell you this that it’s very difficult to find love. Having said that, when love hits me – and it has hit me a few times – I’ve gone all out. I’m an extremist in that sense.”
The actor was seen at the Cannes Film Festival post the success of ‘Heeramandi’ and admitted that he went there for networking and went around giving his card to people.
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