Life Style

Day on a plate: Hannah Fox


Top marks for… Including fermented foods such as miso and kimchi in your day. Combined with your broad array of plant foods, including seaweed, you have a diversity of fibres that will fuel and support your gut microbiome, with positive knock-on effects on many aspects of physical and mental health.

If you keep eating like this you’ll… Fall short on nutrients such as iron, vitamin B12, choline and long-chain omega-3s best gained from animal foods. You can boost your intake of plant foods to help meet your needs, but might also like to consider supplements or fortified foods if you wish to stick with a primarily plant-based diet.

Why don’t you try… Including legumes such as chickpeas, canned beans or lentils, or soy foods like tofu, tempeh or edamame on most days. Add more dark leafy greens for iron and team with a food rich in vitamin C to aid absorption. Consider an algae-sourced omega-3 supplement and one containing vitamin B12.

Hannah Fox is co-artistic director of RISING, running in Melbourne until June 16.

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