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Heatwave spurs eye stroke cases: Know the symptoms and prevention tips | Lifestyle


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Heatwave spurs eye stroke cases

During the ongoing heatwavecases of eye stroke are increasing in various parts of the country. While the intense heat is putting the lives of people at risk of heart ailments, lung, liver, brain disorders, and kidney issues, eye stroke is the newest addition to this list of health concerns. Eye stroke can lead to sudden vision loss and it is quite similar to brain stroke. During the hot months, the human body may struggle to keep itself cool. This heatwave can lead to dehydration and make the blood more prone to clotting.

As the temperature surges, it becomes crucial to understand the link between extreme heat and eye health to prevent and manage this potentially debilitating condition.

What is an eye stroke?

An eye stroke, also known as retinal artery occlusion, occurs when there is a blockage in one of the arteries carrying blood to the retina.

An eye stroke or retinal artery occlusion occurs when one of the arteries, that carry blood to the retina, blocks. The retina is the part of your eyes that receives light and sends the visual information to the brain. In case of any interruption in blood supply, it can cause vision loss or even permanent damage. Many factors are responsible for eye strokes like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and other conditions that affect blood vessels.

Heatwaves pose a unique risk as they can lead to dehydration and enhance blood viscosity increasing the chances of blockages.

Factors responsible for an eye stroke

  • Dehydration causes thickness in blood making it more prone to clotting and obstructing retinal arteries

  • Overexposure to high temperatures is responsible for systemic inflammation and stress on the cardiovascular system increases the risk of vascular events

  • Excessive sweating and lack of fluid replacement disrupt the electrolyte balance affecting blood pressure and vascular health

  • The condition of eye stroke rises during heatwave if there are pre-existing conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease

What are the symptoms of eye stroke?

Here are the symptoms of eye strokes:

  • Blurred vision: Sudden blurry vision and decreased vision clarity in one eye or both

  • Sudden vision loss: Another symptom is sudden partial or complete blindness. It is the most common symptom

  • Distorted vision: Vision becomes wavy or straight lines appearing suddenly

  • Blind spots: Sudden blackouts or shadows in the vision field

Treatment for eye stroke

  • Immediate medical attention: Visit your nearest eye doctor and seek urgent medical care as delays can lead to permanent vision loss

  • Medication: There are medicines to lower intraocular pressure, dissolve blood clots, and take them under medical supervision

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helps in increasing the oxygen amount to reach the retina and makes the arteries wider resulting in clear eyesight

  • Surgery: In severe cases, health experts recommend undergoing surgical procedures to get your eyesight back

  • Ocular Massage: Ocular massage is a simple procedure to reduce the pressure in your eyes to help you get your clear vision back

What are the prevention tips for eye stroke?

Here are the prevention tips for eye stroke:

  • Stay hydrated: It is very important to stay hydrated throughout the day during the summer season. Eyes rely on water to keep them lubricated in the form of teams. Ensure to consume enough water

  • Avoid sun exposure: Avoid doing outdoor activities during peak hours on sunny days

  • Use protective gear: Wear sunglasses and hats to carry umbrellas while going out

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Consume water-rich foods and those in vitamins, particularly Vitamin A which is found in papaya, mango, sweet potatoes and carrots

  • No smoking: Avoid smoking as it enhances the risk of cataracts and dry eye syndrome.

First Published: Jun 05 2024 | 12:48 PM IS


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