Life Style

Day on a plate: Podcaster Savva Savas

[ad_1] Dr Joanna McMillan says Top marks for … A top-notch breakfast that provides a good protein hit from the eggs, bread and yoghurt, which helps to curb your appetite for the day, along with antioxidants, fibre and vitamin C from all the plant foods. Your mum’s homemade sourdough has a fabulous mix of nutritious […]

Life Style

Happy Propose Day 2024: Wishes, Whatsapp messages, quotes and greetings | Lifestyle

[ad_1] Happy Propose Day. Photo: Shutterstock Valentine’s Week is here. Couples mark the beginning of the Week of Love by surprising one another with gifts, romantic dates, flowers, chocolates, and other treats. While Valentine’s Day lies on February 14, the celebrations start on February 7 with Rose Day, followed by Propose Day on February 8. […]